Materials Science helping soldiers tread lightly and aerial vehicles safely lift off

Light weighting has emerged as the No.1 priority in defence and aerospace for applications across the board – from lighter aero structures to comfortable bulletproof vests. Materials science has helped address this challenge. Advanced materials such as ceramic- and graphene-based nano-composites are not only leading for being high-performance but also uncompromising when it comes to… Continue reading Materials Science helping soldiers tread lightly and aerial vehicles safely lift off

Heralding the Future of Vehicle Armour with Advanced Ceramics

India has included a steadily expanding number of defence platforms, components and sub-systems as part of the Positive Indigenisation Lists. While the larger goal is to address self-sufficiency and greater export potential in this area, a big plus is also that indigenously developed platforms require home-grown innovations to function at their full potential. Take the… Continue reading Heralding the Future of Vehicle Armour with Advanced Ceramics

CUMI receives ToT from DMRL to manufacture add-on composite armour for ‘Made-in-India’ WhAP & other armoured vehicles

Dr. Santanu Mandal, Head of R&D, Industrial Ceramics Division, CUMI, Subbu Venkatachalam, Head of Marketing, CUMI, and Ramasundaram R, Head of Sales and Marketing, Industrial Ceramics Division, CUMI during the award of the Transfer of Technology (ToT) from DMRL