Making Materials Matter At Aero India 2025

The team from CUMI with Dr. S. Christopher, former Chairman of DRDO and CUMI’s Defence Advisor at Aero India 2025. The power of indigenous engineering was proudly on display at Aero India this year. Being fully backward integrated and pursuing R&D in advanced materials at our state-of-the-art facilities, CUMI has been able to pioneer innovations… Continue reading Making Materials Matter At Aero India 2025

CUMI’s Creep-feed Grinding Tech Powers Precision In Jet Engines

Being the third largest in domestic aviation and fourth in military aircraft fleet size, India has long relied on abrasive technology for high-precision manufacturing of critical aircraft components. One such key methodology is creep-feed grinding. The creep-feed grinding technique relies on lower speeds and a greater depth of cuts, as compared to other conventional grinding… Continue reading CUMI’s Creep-feed Grinding Tech Powers Precision In Jet Engines

How 3D Ceramic Printing Is Shifting The Course Of The Aerospace Industry

3D printing is not a new technology. It has been around since the 1980s. However, it has evolved tremendously in the last 10 years as a technology capable of creating intricate and complex products for some important industries. Among the materials gaining popularity in 3D printing is ceramics. The ceramic 3D printing market was worth… Continue reading How 3D Ceramic Printing Is Shifting The Course Of The Aerospace Industry

Five Ways Graphene Could Aerospace

In the last two decades since its discovery, Graphene has only garnered ever-growing interest. As per the Graphene Council, over 1.5 lakh graphene-related patents and 3.7 lakh research papers revolve around graphene-related materials alone. The ‘wonder material’ has the potential to radically transform industries and applications – from engineering lighter aero structures, highly transparent and… Continue reading Five Ways Graphene Could Aerospace

Advanced Materials: Establishing India As A Global Leader In Defence And Aerospace

Since the advent of ‘Make in India’, advanced materials have taken charge to deliver the best of indigenous innovation for the aerospace and defence sector. Here’s a look at some of the rising stars from the last decade. In the past, defence and aerospace applications could rely on materials excelling in a single property like… Continue reading Advanced Materials: Establishing India As A Global Leader In Defence And Aerospace

Materials Science helping soldiers tread lightly and aerial vehicles safely lift off

Light weighting has emerged as the No.1 priority in defence and aerospace for applications across the board – from lighter aero structures to comfortable bulletproof vests. Materials science has helped address this challenge. Advanced materials such as ceramic- and graphene-based nano-composites are not only leading for being high-performance but also uncompromising when it comes to… Continue reading Materials Science helping soldiers tread lightly and aerial vehicles safely lift off

CUMI receives ToT from DMRL to manufacture add-on composite armour for ‘Made-in-India’ WhAP & other armoured vehicles

Dr. Santanu Mandal, Head of R&D, Industrial Ceramics Division, CUMI, Subbu Venkatachalam, Head of Marketing, CUMI, and Ramasundaram R, Head of Sales and Marketing, Industrial Ceramics Division, CUMI during the award of the Transfer of Technology (ToT) from DMRL

National Engineers’ Day 2024: Meet The Engineers Who Make Materials Matter

An engineer is a person who applies the skills and knowledge of basic science for the good of society. – Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, India’s most celebrated, visionary engineer, lived up to his remark and lofty idealism. He is credited with many infrastructural milestones that have built our society today such as the… Continue reading National Engineers’ Day 2024: Meet The Engineers Who Make Materials Matter

How Materials Science Propelled Us To Space

LVM3-M4 rocket which launched the Chandrayaan-3

August 23, 2023 – the red-letter day when India became the first country to successfully land near the lunar south pole or the ‘dark side of the moon’. While all thrusters were firing during launch, there was one material that was efficiently working in the background to ensure safe take-off – CUMI’s flame deflectors. Engineered… Continue reading How Materials Science Propelled Us To Space

Video: Advanced protection of man and machine

Enter the fascinating world of materials science and engineering and get a glimpse of how CUMI is pioneering cutting-edge advancements in ceramics for outstanding performance and exceptional protection. Watch the video below: