How 3D Ceramic Printing Is Shifting The Course Of The Aerospace Industry

3D printing is not a new technology. It has been around since the 1980s. However, it has evolved tremendously in the last 10 years as a technology capable of creating intricate and complex products for some important industries. Among the materials gaining popularity in 3D printing is ceramics. The ceramic 3D printing market was worth… Continue reading How 3D Ceramic Printing Is Shifting The Course Of The Aerospace Industry

Advanced Materials: Establishing India As A Global Leader In Defence And Aerospace

Since the advent of ‘Make in India’, advanced materials have taken charge to deliver the best of indigenous innovation for the aerospace and defence sector. Here’s a look at some of the rising stars from the last decade. In the past, defence and aerospace applications could rely on materials excelling in a single property like… Continue reading Advanced Materials: Establishing India As A Global Leader In Defence And Aerospace